Truthfully, there are mornings that I wake up and I wonder if I have the courage to be who I want to be, instead of being the person I think others expect me to be.
I wonder if you're like me. You see, I've learned through the years to operate in the world based on what I am capable of doing, and I have been able to do those things quite effectively. Yet for years, something gnawed at my insides, an incessant cry of the unfulfilled call within my soul. I learned the skills of business and ministry, and I was able to get along in life as long as someone gave me an opportunity to prove my worth. But over the last 2 years, I have taken on a re-invention, in the literal sense of the term. I have flipped upside down so many things in my life, that if I were to stop for a moment and gawk, I might remain there for a while with my jaw on the floor. And yet, there is the gentle reminder that in as much as I have re-invented, I still have boundaries I want to push, and there is this deep calling to show up in the world the way I want. Truthfully, there are mornings that I wake up and I wonder if I have the courage to be who I want to be, instead of being the person I think others expect me to be.
Now of course, I know those of you who are positive thinkers like I am, and you would say, "of course you do." And there are those of you who know me, and you would say, "of course you have the courage." And maybe that's the crux of my point. I THINK people expect me to have the courage. Maybe the reality is that I do have the courage, but I know that I wake up some mornings, and ebb and flow through the day having to make the decision to take a stand on the person I want to be, and not who others expect of me. But living in the mirror of others expectations is deeply engrained in me. I don't have an issue being authentic, it's not that I'm playing someone I'm not. It's just that my authentic was established a long time ago, based on what I believed at the time, and I can say now, based on what I thought others wanted to see from me. While it's served me well in continuing my existence on this earth, it has also kept me from being who I truly want to be in this life.
There's a long way around the corner to where I'm headed with this, so I'll try and shorten the distance. I have hidden myself for a long time. I'm getting a better picture as to why I've done so, and the reality is that it doesn't much matter as to why. You see, the life I live is like everyone else's, it doesn't make perfect sense, it's not predictable, and it's not always what I want. And yet, those 3 things are the things we constantly fight to maintain and control. We fight so hard to make our life make sense, we are so certain that our predictions what will come true if we do "x", and we are always trying to get what we can get. Through some pretty amazing relationships, and with some good work with an incredible life coach (who is also a partner and a friend), I now wake up every day aware of the opportunity that I have to make the decision to show up in the world the way I want to. And when I take the courage to show up in the way I want, I am awakened to an understanding that I have tremendous freedom, and the power, to participate in the creative process of my life. And there is so much more of the "full" life that I want to live. There is more mountain to climb, more space to journey...and here's the deal, I want to see how deep it goes...
I'm an artist, and I've been one since as far back as I can remember. I learned to operate in the world as a minister, as a speaker, and as a business man, because I could do those things, and yet, at the core of me is this...artist, a creator. Everything I have ever done has been an effort to create something. I am currently operating in this space of providing for my family (as a business man), which sometimes (okay, often) entails me being engaged in things that I'm not really excited about pursuing. But nonetheless, I operate out of the artist way, using my skills as an entrepreneur to create opportunity to feed my family. But then there's this "place" that calls out to me like a beacon of light shining from a lighthouse on the sea. It's a true-north compass, pointing the way home, and in it is my passion, drive, hope, sanity, and breath. It is the call of the artist, and all I want is to see how deep the gift goes. It's all I want to do really. It's my contribution to the world, and it's my way of giving people the opportunity to see the beautiful power and freedom that they have to live the life they want to live. I want to see how deep it goes for me and how far it might reach. I want to squeeze the marrow out of it and see how it tastes. As an artist, I want to see how true I can be.
DO vs. BE
I want to create, to write songs, I want to play for large crowds all over the world, I want to act, I want to write books and blogs...and I'm curious to see how those things might impact the world around me. Maybe I won't change the world, but I want to been enthralled in the pursuit, and steeped in the being of it all. There is something to be said in, "well, just do it", and, I am. But even beyond the doing of those things, there are the days that I am filled with the courage to BE. And it is that BEING that draws me in the most. It is like the intoxicating smell of a lover, calling, daring for me to just let go...and BE. I find in moments that keep stringing together with more frequency, is my ability to just let it all go, to quit trying to control everything, and just be.
A dear friend of mine commented the other day that there is a new "lightness" about me, and he wasn't referring to my stellar physique. Over the last few months, I have found a profound lightness in life. I've found myself to be a little more whimsical, not taking myself so seriously, and yet grounded in commitment and focus. I was trying to figure out how I stumbled upon this state, and while I'm not a big "3-points" kind of guy, there are 3 ideas on which I have continually mediated over the last several months. Those ideas are: 1. Life turns out the way it does, and if "this" is all I am, I'm okay with it, because I am already tremendously blessed. If I never do the things that I really want, at least I will die, climbing the mountain, being WHO it is that I want to be, pursuing the life I want to live. Even as I type those words, that little voice speaks up telling me where I should be in life, and reminds me of my potential. It's telling me, "that's not true, you would be devastated if you never get to do those things." I hear you voice, but you don't always tell the truth. Truthfully, I have reached the belief that I have nothing to lose, because I have nothing to prove. Seriously, I have nothing to prove...and it brings about a certain lightness, and might I say, joy, to my life. If I have nothing to prove, I can move forward in the life I want to live without the bondage of expectation or the fear of failure. 2. I cannot predict what will happen in life, much less control it, although our human nature thinks we can...I cannot. So therefore, I now have the option of not being disappointed with unmet expectations. When I release control, I am also able to handle circumstances based on what they are, as opposed to fighting the emotions of what I thought they should or shouldn't be. 3. I don't give a fuck. Ohhhh, I know I just disappointed some of my readers with that word. I KNOW, certain people have an expectation that I wouldn't use such language, but to be honest, it's the only word that describes what I feel. And I've worked hard to get here. I really don't give a fuck about what people think about what I'm doing. In fact, it has been a mantra for the last 2 years that has provided me relief, as well as a place to stand when I need it. I don't say that in anger, out of bitterness, or just to be crass. I have spent the majority of my life concerned about what I thought other people need, and then doing my best to become whatever it is that I THOUGHT they needed. I've become pretty adept at attempting to become all things to all people. And while it has gotten me to some pretty spectacular places in life, it has also kept me from going where I really want to go, and more importantly, prevented me from showing up in the world the way that I want.
Wrapped up into all these thoughts, actions, and being, is life. It's unpredictable, it's challenging, and I think more and more, it can be more simple than we have made it out to be. Maybe life is as simple as being loved and taking care of the ones you love, and chasing your dream and the life you want to live in the process. That's it! It takes courage to make it that simple. It takes courage to be who you want to be, as opposed to being who you think others expect you to be...and maybe, just maybe, you have the courage!